I am asking anyone who reads this blog to write me with information if they can help me. I have lost a total of 260lbs now. I still have some weight to lose....although it is hard to estimate how much I need to lose as I have some fatty deposits and excess skin that need to be surgically removed. This is where you come in. You see, I am rich in many ways now, but not fiscally. I am still paying off debts from surgery to save my life (when I had no health insurance while I attended college). I never did obtain a degree as I had to quit school and go to work to help pay my debts. This leaves me underemployed. I do need to have surgery to remove this excess skin and fatty deposits. I am looking for any way to get this done. If anyone knows of a way please write me. I am looking for a surgeon who would be willing to do pro bono work or delay payment. I am even wanting to get it down at a surgical school if possible where an intern can learn by doing. Or if anyone knows of a way to make medical insurance pay. Any help would be appreciated. I would even go on a tv show and let it all hang out for the world to see for the chance to get this skin cut off of me. So if anyone knows a plastic surgeon willing to help, or knows someone who got insurance to pay or knows a cousin whose married to someone who knew somebody once who worked on Dr.Phil....(you get the idea) who may be able to help. Please let me know. I am putting this out there to the universe because I belive my HP wants me to have this skin removed. And since it is beyond me right now, I am asking for help (and by the is real HARD to ask for help). Thank you for listening.
to be honest, I don't know Dr. Phil. But I do have a recommendation about your older debts. I also went through a situation where I was in a bad car accident with no health insurance. I suggest that you write to your debtors and tell them your situation (totally play it up) and as k them to remove or reduce your debt. Many people out there want to help. I had most of my debt removed. As for the rest. Write to Oprah, seriously.
I was at an OA BB study retreat this weekend and the presenter (who lost 500 pounds in OA) said his insurance company paid for his surgury because it was medically neccesary. I had heard this before. I don't have his contact info, but could probably get it from one of the organizers.
Talk to your regular GP about it.
If I think of anything else I'll let you know.
((Reign)) well done for reaching out, even if it was hard. I'm just catching up on my blogs after being off the air due to illness for hte last week. Here are my random thoughts. They aren't advice or suggestions, just the musings of an extra brain that might help you out.
*I agree with Lauren that you should write as many TV shows as you can. Your story is powerful and if you tell it right there's a good chance Dr Phil/Oprah/Extreme Makeover/whoever else, will be interested
*I also agree with Lauren that it is worth approaching your debtors. I would also your insurance company and the local hospitals. Perhaps start by writing to them, and then if they don't respond to that, go and see them in person. Big companies are made up of children of God who have the capacity for compassion and common sense. It is quite likely they will agree to be flexible to some extent. All three of them may be willing to work out a special payment plan with you that will enable you to pay for the surgery. At the very least, your creditors will be able to offer you information on future ways to avoid debt, and your insurance company may provide you with information that helps you find a better coverage plan.
*When you approach the hospital/insurance company/creditors, I would emphasize the following: the fact that you are in a 12 step program (these have gained a lot of respect over the years), how hard you have worked the program, how much you have achieved so far( including lenght of abstinence,duration of programme commitment, weight loss and health) and how much that contrasts with any past failed diets, Any positive changes in your financial situation brought about by the program, the stability of your employment, the honesty and commitment which you have learned in the 12 steps. Perhaps you could get a reference from a fellow OA member. Not sure if that breaches the traditions or not.
*As well as offering yourself to trainee surgeons, perhaps medical, psychological and sociological researchers would be interested too.
*I'm applying to go on quiz shows at the moment. Probably won't get on, but no harm done if I do eh? Tell them your story and what you want the money for and they'll think awww that's nice.
*Are you eligible for any government benefits, welfare, tax exemptions?
*It is my experience in doing advocacy work for people with disabilities that governments and insurance companies don't want you to know what you can get. I suggest that you do your research. Look around on the internet, read your policy with a fine tooth comb, talk to a social worker, attorney or accountant
*One of the best ways to work systems is from the inside. Friends, family and fellow OAers who are in insurance/public service/medical administration are a great asset when it comes to finding out what you are entitled to and how to get it, and they can often even pull strings.
*Sell something on EBAY?
*Morgage your house
*It is possible to get plastic surgery done much more cheaply overseas and there are a number of companies that organise it. This is usually VERY BAD AND RISKY idea, but I am simply mentioning it and trusting you, as an intelligent person, to make your decision.
*Keep reaching out, sharing this in your OA meetings, email groups, and perhaps in the OA literature like LIfeline and Serendipity magazine.
As you can see, some of these ideas are MUCH worse than others. But I just figured the best thing I could do was help you think this trhough by doing a vicarious brainstorm.Hope it helps. Hugs from
Hey amy, How are you? We miss you.
Amy, Did you comment on one of my posts today? When I went to reply, it wouldn't let me so I was scoping out any Amy's I know on blogger. lol. if it was you, I'm from Maine, or Massachusetts, depending.
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