Reignfyre Recovery

A record of a womans recovery throught addiction. Primarily food addiction using the 12 steps of OA (Overeaters Anonymous). Also includes recovery from sex and love, drug and alcohol addiction.

Monday, May 28, 2007

My recovery story

My name is Amy and I am a compulsive overeater, food addict, and multiply addicted. I am gratefully abstinent today and in recovery. Today is my ______th day of consecutive abstinence. I have _____ years, _________ months, and ________ days.
I wanted to tell you a little bit about my food plan. Everyone here probably knows the definition of abstinence, which is refraining from compulsive overeating. My abstinence & food plan are very simple; I refrain from eating my binge foods. That means I don’t eat any manufactured, refined, or processed sugar. I only eat sugar in its natural form, for instance, fruit. I don’t eat syrups for instance, especially high fructose corn syrup. I started my abstinence refraining from eating wheat because I had previously discovered in an earlier attempt at abstinence that wheat was very addictive for me. It triggered me to eat volume and other high fat/high sugar foods. I did eat flours made from non-wheat substances. As time went on I discovered that my body preferred not eating flour of any sort. It was just too much sugar flooding my system at one time. I never would have started out wanting this kind of food plan and would have thought life without flour and sugar to harsh a food plan but now I welcome it because it has given me freedom. I do not eat cheese as it is a highly addictive substance for me nor do I eat dessert of any kind, other than fruit. I have a secondary food plan in place which is like a weight loss addendum. Because I have weight to lose I limit how much I eat with caloric limits and measuring foods that are high in fat although they are healthy and not on my binge/trigger lists. I want to stress that my food plan will probably not work for most people. But I am willing to share anything about me that might possibly help another coe/fa. I happen to be a vegetarian, but that is for spiritual reasons. The bulk of my diet is natural and raw foods consisting of vegetables and fruits, eggs, soy, beans, raw & unsalted nuts & seeds.


Blogger Foodfairy said...

Thankyou for sharing. It is helpful to get ideas from other people's food plans. I am particularly interested to see that wheat is addictive for you. Most people in OA talk about being addicted to processed foods and simple carbs, but I think I am addicted to more the more complex carbs in starchy foods like potatoe and wholegrain cereal. It's good to hear about another persons experience with more complex carbs

12:58 AM  

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