What is it like now?:
Today I have a Higher Power that gives me strength. Now I get up for work in the morning, and I am happy for the opportunity. I don’t go to bed dreading the next day. I don’t live every second of my life in fear of I know not what. I have a balanced checkbook, and I live within my means. I face challenges head on. I love myself, I love the person I have become, and that I am becoming. I have confidence in myself. I almost never miss work because I am sick. I give myself in service, and I’m glad for the opportunity. I am making friends. I am nice to my family, co-workers, and the stranger on the street. I have more patience and love to give. I am learning to receive graciously. I am walking into situations and doing things I dared not dream of. I have lost weight….a lot of weight. I’ve become brave. Notice that the weight loss, while significant, is almost last on my list. It is a great gift of working this program, but it is not the point of the program. The point of the program, I believe, is to connect to your Higher Power. I believe, in fact, that is the point of life. This from the girl who hated God. If that doesn’t demonstrate the change that has occurred in me, I don’t know what will. I believe abstinence is a gift from my Higher Power. I believe my gift to the world and to my Higher Power is to be abstinent. I’m an addict, and by nature, very selfish. So now I ask something from you. I ask you to give me a gift. I ask that, for the rest of this day, you be abstinent. Thank you for listening.
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