Reignfyre Recovery

A record of a womans recovery throught addiction. Primarily food addiction using the 12 steps of OA (Overeaters Anonymous). Also includes recovery from sex and love, drug and alcohol addiction.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Wanted to catch everyone up. I have had an exciting month and been a little overwhelmed and really needed to blog more. Then I feel like, I have to much to say so it's easier to say nothing. But that is perfectionistic thinking so screw it....I'll be gloriously imperfect!

I had 4 milestones happen in 4 days. April 16th was my 40th birthday!! Not bad for a girl who was told she would die at 32! A couple of days before that I celebrated by going to Busch Gardens! This was a celebration because it has been a long time since I could fit into rides at amusement parks. Also it was a big test for me, as I would be confronted with a big binge trigger (amusement parks) in combination with being with my mother (who....despite protestations, is also a coe). So that was a hurdle. Also, May 17th was 10 months abstinent for me! Wahooooo! May 15th was the day I finished giving away my 4th&5th step! Yes, it has been very eventful.

I also have a packed schedule coming up. My brother and sister-in-law & 2 nieces are visiting for half a month in May. Also I need to get ready for a trip to Canada in June where I will be meeting my sponsor face 2 face and attending a year anniversary celebration of my abstinence. I think this was my sponsors idea to keep me abstinent until then! LOL!

I haven't had any trouble with abstinence as far as staying away from my binge foods. But I have been plagued with food dreams lately. Even foods I didn't particularly care for. My disease really is out to get me. Fortunately I have powerful allies online and in my f2f meetings and in my sponsor.

I really do want to write more on each of these events and hope I don't forget but I am tired! So I will leave this so I remember to write on it later. Remind me, OK?



Blogger Dodi said...

Congratulations! Finishing step 5 is big.

I definitely want to read more about the amusement park trip. This is a goal of mine too, to reach a size where I could go on any ride I choose without worrying I won't fit.

2:41 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

For me, dreams of using my drug of choice were a sign of progress, not only in recovery from alcoholism but in recovering from nicotine addiction, as well. So the food dreams may actually be a good thing.

Best of luck to you on your journey and thanks for sharing your experience so helps the rest of us!

7:45 PM  
Blogger Foodfairy said...

Congratulations! 10 months abstinence. That sort of thing really inspires a relatively new OA person like me struggling to make 10 days. Wow!

I've just started my own blog at and I've added you to my blogroll...look forward to reading more

9:36 AM  

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