Reignfyre Recovery

A record of a womans recovery throught addiction. Primarily food addiction using the 12 steps of OA (Overeaters Anonymous). Also includes recovery from sex and love, drug and alcohol addiction.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

This is a share/post of mine online...hope you find it helpful.

Hi everyone, Amy, coe & fa, in recovery & abstinent ODAT.
I tried EVERYTHING except WLS (I didn't do that because I knew someone
that died from complications after the surgery + I knew too many that had
it & gained all their weight back & more after losing it). Still, miracle
I didn't try that too! I've done All the diets, including the major pay
as you go ones, boxed & packages foods, nutritionists, dietitians,
doctors, pills (legal & illegal), starvation, laxatives, vomiting....blah
blah get the picture.
None of that worked for me. I also tried OA once before....stayed 31/2
years, didn't get it either. I loved knowing other people who were like
me with food, but in truth I never wanted recovery. I wanted to be thin.
There is a HUGE difference from wanting to be thin, and wanting to be
healthy emotionally, physically, mentally, & spiritually. They are worlds
The second time I came into OA "I got it". I needed to know that I had
tried everything & failed. Some things I needed to try twice (yeah, I'm
hard headed). I got it this time because I was desperate & wanted to be
healthy. My focus was on the right thing, abstinence & recovery...not
thinness. Being a normal weight is a byproduct of the recovery, it
shouldn't be the goal. In my opinion abstinence should be the goal
because recovery depends on & follows the abstinence. How can one recover
mentally, emotionally & spiritually after all if they're in a food fog? I
know I couldn't. Once I got abstinent I was able to think clearly & put
the work into recovery.
I found abstinence was a decision I needed to make. It's not a feeling
that one day came to me out of the blue. Hanging around OA & doing step
work while in a food fog never helped me to "get it". 31/2 years of doing
that clearly didn't work. I merely needed to decide to be abstinent.
Once I made the decision to be abstinent I did what it took to stay that
way. How did I know what to do? I did what those who recovered told me
to do. I got a sponsor. I gave my food to her daily as an exercise in
honesty & surrender. I did the step work she gave to me. I read the
literature. I began more & more to reach out. I attended a LOT of
meetings, on line & f2f. I do service. I write. Really none of this was
new information to me....I had heard it all before. But there is a big
difference between having knowledge & utilizing it. This time I used it
because I had to follow through with my decision, my decision to be
abstinent. It was a simple decision, but not neccessarily easy to follow
through with, especially at the beginning.
Sometimes I needed (and still do) need to go to on line meetings all day
long. I belong to several loops & read emails & write them. Sometimes I
need to play a computer game just to keep my hands busy so I don't eat.
Sometimes I have to actually sit on my hands...but I do it because I know
I DON'T EAT NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! For me that resolve got stronger
& stronger the longer I stayed abstinent as long as I did not allow myself
to get sidetracked.
Last month my disease was trying to get me. It convinced me I needed to
go back to! Then that I needed to get a second job to pay
off my! Then get involved in a relationship.....NOW! I knew
better....I know you don't make any major life changes until you've had a
year's worth of abstinence under your belt & you've worked all the steps.
Big duh!!!!!!!!! But my disease is insidious, cunning, baffling,
powerful....patient. I looked into going back to school, started a job
hunt, was going to sign up for an on line dating service. Then I
remembered...oh yeah....abstinence is your FIRST priority. Without it,
you have nothing, you will lose everything. So I stopped myself from
going back to school for now. I will survive financially for a little
while longer without another job. Dating can definitely wait. I need my
recovery. So instead I signed up for more service jobs on line, f2f, and
took on some sponsees, joined more loops. That took care of some extra
time & kept my focus where it needs to be....Abstinence/recovery, ODAT.
I have found this Tradition study invaluable. It reminds me why the OA
meetings I used to attend are no longer around and while I need to be part
of the solution of recovery and a message bringer to meetings & not a
"mess" dumper.
Thanks to everyone for posting,
Love & blessings,


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