Reignfyre Recovery
A record of a womans recovery throught addiction. Primarily food addiction using the 12 steps of OA (Overeaters Anonymous). Also includes recovery from sex and love, drug and alcohol addiction.
PLEA FOR HELP!!I am asking anyone who reads this blog to write me with information if they can help me. I have lost a total of 260lbs now. I still have some weight to lose....although it is hard to estimate how much I need to lose as I have some fatty deposits and excess skin that need to be surgically removed. This is where you come in. You see, I am rich in many ways now, but not fiscally. I am still paying off debts from surgery to save my life (when I had no health insurance while I attended college). I never did obtain a degree as I had to quit school and go to work to help pay my debts. This leaves me underemployed. I do need to have surgery to remove this excess skin and fatty deposits. I am looking for any way to get this done. If anyone knows of a way please write me. I am looking for a surgeon who would be willing to do pro bono work or delay payment. I am even wanting to get it down at a surgical school if possible where an intern can learn by doing. Or if anyone knows of a way to make medical insurance pay. Any help would be appreciated. I would even go on a tv show and let it all hang out for the world to see for the chance to get this skin cut off of me. So if anyone knows a plastic surgeon willing to help, or knows someone who got insurance to pay or knows a cousin whose married to someone who knew somebody once who worked on Dr.Phil....(you get the idea) who may be able to help. Please let me know. I am putting this out there to the universe because I belive my HP wants me to have this skin removed. And since it is beyond me right now, I am asking for help (and by the is real HARD to ask for help). Thank you for listening. Amy
BIG BOOK - Believing In God Beats Our Old KnowledgeACTION - Any Change To Improve Our NatureNUTS - Not Using The Steps
Wanted to share my weight as of June, 1, 2007: 189.5 lbs
My name is Amy, and I am a very grateful, recovering compulsive overeater and food addict, brought to my knees and having found desperation, I am gratefully abstinent & in recovery today.
This How it works passage is so amazing to me. I don't think I will ever have 100% complete honesty with myself, God, or my fellows...but I try. The more I work the program, the more honest I become. It really does work. There are more layers to this onion than I could even concieve of so I don't bother trying too, I just peel the layer I am on. Like with most onions I shed some tears, but fortunately I love onions! There is sweetness there too.
My first time around in OA I truly was one of the failures. The only thing I did right was come to meetings....but after awhile I gave up on that too. I did not work the steps, I never put down the food, I did not befriend the abstinent, only the bingers like me, I just did not work the program. I gained weight in OA and my food spun out of control.
This time around in OA I was desperate to recover. I had to be put on my knees with nowhere else to go, backed into a corner, before I was willing to follow the "suggestions" of the program. The BB wisdom is so requirements....just "suggestions". They knew my addict brain would rebel against requirements. The truth is however, that if you want the promises of the program, you MUST follow the suggestions. Half measures avail us nothing. I needed to have the wind knocked out of me before I would follow the suggestions given. I came back to OA desperate enough to follow, and behold, I have the promises. There is nothing special about me, all are called, few CHOOSE to answer the call, but all can.
Today I am one of the winners. I greet & befriend newcomers, because they keep me green. I share what I have with those who are currently unable to put down the food, because I I need to share recovery in order to keep it. I stick with the winners when it comes to working my program, because I want to continue being one of them.
When I was morbidly obese I used to ask my fellow obese dieters what they were doing. I heard a man, I think it was Covert Bailey, talk about this phenomenon. He said words to the effect that, if you are fat and want to be thin....don't ask what a fat person does to lose weight, ask what a thin person does not to gain it!"
OA is like that for me. I ask and do what those who have abstinence and have maintained it longer than me do. Then I do it!! It has worked for me so far. I am saddened when, in my f2f meetings, I see people share the same share, week after week, never realizing they are doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. This is the definition of insanity. I can only share my ESH and pray they keep coming back until they have the strength to follow the suggestions. But I do not allow myself to dwell in the problem with them, I instead to live in the solution.
Thank you for reading,
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