T.R.U.S.T. - Try Really Using Step Three
P.U.S.H. - Pray Until Something Happens
B,L.O.A.T.E.D. - (don't get too:) Bored, Lonely, Overwhelmed, Anxious, Tired, Excited or Depressed
A record of a womans recovery throught addiction. Primarily food addiction using the 12 steps of OA (Overeaters Anonymous). Also includes recovery from sex and love, drug and alcohol addiction.
T.R.U.S.T. - Try Really Using Step Three
It's me and I have to tell my story at a face to face meeting and at an online meeting. I was in the writing mood and done procrastinating so this is my story. It is not polished at all and needs editing. But here it is! Enjoy!
My recovery story
What it was like:
When I moved out on my own I was able to eat unlimited quantities of food without any repercussions, so I thought. I became so heavy I developed serious foot and knee problems. The fatty pads on my heels tore open and I could barely walk. I wasn’t even 25, and I was walking with a cane. I lived by myself on the third floor of an apartment building. It was all I could do to haul myself up the stairs. Taking up bags of groceries became out of the question. I could no longer clean my apartment either. It became a disaster area. I stood long enough only to do dishes for the current meal. Usually I only cooked cheap pasta dishes out of desperation. I would eat an entire box of pasta for a meal. It wouldn’t even fill me. But I did that only when there were no credit cards to charge on. What I preferred was to call a take out delivery service that would pick up one or two meals at 2 or 3 of my favorite restaurants. They would bring them to me and I would just charge it….easy. They even came with their own bags for the garbage it created…that was why I parked near the garbage dump. I was too heavy to stand after awhile and food just rotted in my apartment. Maggots and cockroaches soon followed. My bathtub developed a clog that wouldn’t clear and the toilet broke. I was too embarrassed to have maintanence come and fix it. After all, I was too fat to clean the apartment. I developed a very smelly foot fungus that ran people from the room. My armpits smelled like sour bread from all the flour & sugar I ate as it decomposed and rotted in my body. My liver could no longer process the toxins out of my body. I didn’t see doctors anymore. I became angry and infuriated every time they suggested the obvious… I should lose weight. Were they stupid….if I could I would. Did they think I was stupid? Did they think I didn’t know I was fat?
Now don’t get the idea I didn’t fight this thing, I did. There were many diets and self-help books. I did Nutri-system for awhile and lost weight. The small portions meant weight loss was a definite. Unfortunately for me the food fed my sugar habit and it was inevitable that I would lose control and binge again. That eventually happened on all my diets. Portion control alone for me was no good. If I ingested any refined or processed sugar, it was only a matter a time before I binged. Once my body had a taste, it was a done deal. Try letting a cokehead have one snort. Or an alcoholic just one drink. Sure, they may be able to last awhile, but eventually the call was just too strong.
The owner of the company I worked for confronted me one day. He said I was too fat to walk up the stairs to do my job anymore. Shortly thereafter I was fired, and deservedly so. I gave up and decided to kill myself, but I chickened out. Instead I moved home with my mother, brother, and niece. I would go to college, stay home with my niece, and get my life together.
I gained every pound I lost back, and more. On my way up I found out about OA. I joined hoping they would cure me. I found wonderful fellowship in the program. Finally people who understood that food was an addiction for me. There wasn’t a lot of recovery in these groups, but understanding. They were an hour away from me so I enjoyed binge eating all the way to and from the meetings. The hour I was in the meeting and the meeting after the meeting gave me great comfort that I was not alone in this. But I was only in my fat suit, very alone. After 31/2 years of eating uncontrollably and gaining weight in OA, I left the program. There was another job I lost due to the severe depression that for me, inevitably occurred when my weight soared close to 400lbs. A failed relationship and another move back home didn’t help. I lived with my co-dependent mother once again who would supply me with my favorite binge foods on one hand, and chastise me for overindulging with the other. She allowed me not to work and to “recover”. My activity level went down even more. My depression worsened. My psychiatric medications went up. I finally lost all hope. I decided to kill myself while walking up the steps. It was a stray thought really. But this part of my brain said, “Do it now before you chicken out”. I gathered all my psychiatric medications. I had just been delivered 3 months worth, including my sleeping pills. Hundreds of pills ingested later, I thought it was finally over. There was one second where I thought; maybe this isn’t a good idea. But then I believed it was too late anyway. I wouldn’t be embarrassed by calling the ambulance and begging for them to help me. I’ll just die and see what lies on the other side, if anything.
What happened?
I went to www.oa.org to find a local meeting. I was shocked to discover OA no longer had a presence in my community. My God, what do I do now??? Thank God I found these OA meetings online. I went to my first meeting that day…it was June 17, 2006. I will never forget it. I didn’t know how the online meetings worked but I was desperate to recover. I was willing to do absolutely anything to recover. I could no longer weigh 333 lbs or more. I could no longer live a slow death anymore. I wanted to live, and I wanted to live well.
I went to face to face AA meetings since OA was not available in my area. I’m grateful for this opportunity to attend strong meetings with lots of recovery. I eventually started my own OA meetings. Then someone else started an OA meeting. While technically I am an alcoholic and drug addict, my real drug of choice was always food so I started to attend OA meetings primarily.
What is it like now?:
This is a share from one of my recovery loops. I started out answering questions and then it morphed into what you see. I put the questions in green and in quotes. The questions were from a recovery loop at www.therecoverygroup.org.
That first bite is just as dangerous to me as jumping off the roof of a skyscraper or stepping in front of a moving train!!
Here is my step 7 prayer........
This is a response to my sponsee regarding fear of taking step 3. I thought it was important to post because sometimes....I fail to take my own advice!! And I need it!!
Labels: Response to sponsee
Today was weigh day. Here is where I am at. 5'11" and 195.2 lbs & 36.5% body fat. Yes, I lost 5 lbs from last month. I must say I am a little dissapointed. Everyone the past few weeks has been commenting on how I look like I lost weight every time they saw me. I wasn't feeling big loss (I can usually feel it) but I have been working out a lot so I thought, "hey, everyone else sees it so it must be true". So I was hoping for 190 & was a little dissapointed at 195. Of course, I have changed the shape of my body a lot through working out and put on muscle which is good. And 5 lbs a month is very good for this stage of weight loss for me so I need to get over it. But this brings up the reason I decided to blog today....resentments. I am feeling a lot of resentments. And the Big Book says resentments are the #1 offender so I am going to do a 5th step with this blog and share with myself, another human being (your human out there....right?) and God the exact nature of my wrongs. Here is my list of current resentments: